Thursday, May 31, 2007

New Food Again

Shhhhh! Don't tell mom - I'm on her computer, she will absolutely kill me! She started feeding me whole raw chicken and cans of jack mackeral and country style ribs and lots and lots of good stuff! I like it much better than the cooked stuff! She even makes breakfast for me on Sunday mornings for a treat! She gave me French Toast last Sunday - I hope she makes that again! That is some good stuff! I'm glad she doesn't cook my bacon, though - I like that raw, plus it's good for my fur and that stupid dandruff I get. I noticed a bit more, she's gonna have to up the amount of bacon on Sundays! Right now I only get one thick slice. I could eat the whole 3 pound package! ~~Rambo


Ume said...

hi Rambo! u have a v cool name!
Do sneak into your mom's computer more often n blog! would like to hear more from u!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Rambo, My name is Ginny and I am very beautiful. I am 19 months old. Believe it or not, your mom's blog name is very much like the kennel name of the lady who has my mother and father: CheradonGSD's. You have given me the idea of keeping my own diary, just like yours. I'll send you a picture if my mom can figure out how to do it. Perhaps you could tell her (Please!). You are very handsome. Perhaps we can be friends. My real name is Virginia, but my buddies call me Ginny. I hope to talk to you soon.

Unknown said...

Ginny - I don't have a way to contact you - you can contact me by going to, click on members, then click on Cheryl. In the piece at the top of my profile, click the email me link (if I put it here, I will get spam sure as you know what!!) I will be able to tell you how to upload pics, etc...
