Well, I guess she didn't want to pull them anymore - and she hates them anyway, and won't touch them with bare hands - so she took me to Dr. Hughes. Dr. Huges gave me some stuff called Advantix and those things are just dropping off!
I got a whole lot of attention at the vets today - I got weighed. I weigh 93 pounds. I think I'm still growing - I'm not even two yet. Everyone remembered me and I remembered them. It was kinda neat seeing them again, but I really like my mom's house better. She doesn't keep me in a kennel like they did at the vet's.
After that, mom said since I was so good, she would get me a bone. Well, I got to get out and go in the pet store! Wow, that was kewl! They had tons of bones and all kinds of food - but no raw food, so mom didn't buy me food there. She got a present for her Secret Santa thing she is doing online and she let me pick out my bone!
Then, when we got home, she hung out and checked her email, then decided she was going to mow the yard. Well, she always locks me in the house when she does that. I think she must open the gate or something, cuz I never get to go out when she is messing with the yard. Well, my butt decided for some reason that it was going to explode.... boy was she mad when she came in and saw the dire rear on the carpet. She didn't yell at me though. But dad was mad. I can always tell, even if he doesn't yell. He tells me to get away from him. I heard mom tell him it wasn't my fault. But she did say, "Figures he can't go out before I open the fence, or wait - nooooo he has to decide to get dire rear during the half hour I have the gate open." Ooops.
At least I had a nice day today, though. Now I'm chilling, but those ticks are falling off me. I have to sniff them so mom can find them. Then she burns them up in the sink. They must be some nasty bugs if she burns them. She doesn't crush them with her shoe like she does spiders.
Well, tomorrow is football day, so I don't think I'll get to ride in the car tomorrow. Darn. I like to ride in the car.
I'm checking it to see how you are. Woo!
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